Thursday 11 October 2012

Time for Tea

There is nothing like the elegance of 'tea time'.  I have a penchant for roses and all of my favourite teasets feature ROSES.... preferably in the pink, red or maroon hues.

Tennis plates are a convenient way to serve afternoon or morning tea if the numbers are large. People can walk around without juggling their food and drink.


I love the way the traditional patterns are translated to this sort of tennis or breakfast plate.  The shapes of the plates are as varied as the designs.  Note the Foley butter dish and cover in the rear.  How gorgeous!

An eclectic theme continues with the three layer cake plate... all with a rose design, but so different.


Strange how a teapot can represent at the same time the comforts of solitude and the pleasures of company. ~Author Unknown

Each cup of tea represents an imaginary voyage. ~Catherine Douzel

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